- iemaZAIMAH
- johor, Malaysia
- iman mau kasi tinggi,kalau boleh nak kalahkan ustak
status semasa
Sunday, February 28, 2010
tagged by berd..
mood:same cam tadi
#berd tag..kalau aku xbuat nnt dye merajuk..
1) You have to print screen wallpaper that you are using right now
2) Tell us why you like the wallpaper
-aku tak pakai pun gmbr tu..haha!wallpaper sbnr kaler itam sehitamnye..aku xpakai wallpaper r
-tp aku suke gmbr ni..sbb comel..pijak dye!pijak!
3) Tag 10 people...
-kau yg tgh bace ni..
tagged by mya..
#aku bangun awal!dh mandi dh tau..wangi ni..tak caye bau sini r..
#ditagged oleh mya yg comel..aku buat tagged ni pun sbb tagged ni cam comel..xmcm taged berd..haha!
- 170cm tall. lagi berape cm je nak sampai..aish
- I don’t know what I want at the moment.
- I’m not happy.
- I hate my friends.
- I hate my life.
- I hate my grades.
- I can drive.
- I’m bored of driving.
- I have a white handbag.
- I love dancing.
- I go clubbing every week.
- Shopping is bullshit.
- I have a tattoo of a star.
- I got my navel pierced.
- I have friends that take drugs.
- 90% of my friends smoke.
- I still hang out with my ex, even though our break up was rather nasty.
- I’m studying Fashion.
- I have a business running.
- I hate cartoons
- I hate someone.
- I have 10 Lollipops handbags.
- I buy CLEO every month.
- My parents don’t know about my blog.
- I have an iPod.
- I don’t have faith in the current “one”.
- My school mates know about my blog.
- I wanted to be a fashion designer.
- I love rock emo bands.
- I hate it when people cancel last minute meet ups.
- I’m a rebel.
- I don’t believe in love.
- High school's filled with drama.
- My parents have faith in me.
- I’ve bought shoes this month.
- A blogger bitched about me before.
- I hate sports.
- I heart Italian food.
- I hate meeting new people.
- I hate nail polish.
- The mother bear gives me hugs.
- People should start appreciating me.
- High school was the worst time of my life.
- I have red hair.
- One Utama is my second home.
- I’m a guy.
- I’m scared of my Biology
resultexam which I’m going to facesomedaytomorrow. - I hate vacations.
- We’ll last :)
- I believe in long distance relationships.
- I’m going to get high and smoke weed one day soon.
- I’ve robbed an old lady.
- I’m starting to like applying make-up.
- I was a tomboy.
- At times I think I still am a tomboy.
- I love bitching about people behind their backs
- I still have a best friend.
- I have a cat.
- I hate surprise parties.
- I hate planning parties.
- I’m hot.
hahahahaha!yeah2 =) - I’m a sinner.
- I’ve got a DS light.
- I have a Wii.
- I cant live without music.
- Video games are a waste of time.
- I miss the father bear.
- I love being in love.
- I know how to cook.
- I have 100% freedom.
- Boys are assholes.
- I hate Math.
- I’m happy with what I have
- I love horror films.
- I slept in my parents’ room for 3 days after watching Scream when I was a kid.
- My old friends keep in touch with me.
- I don’t read newspapers.
- The news is such a waste of time.
- Blogging is a waste of time.
- I hate animals.
- I can’t live without make-up.
- I curse like a pirate.
- I’m happy with my 11 year old car.
- I hate people that are smart.
- I love Orange juice.
- I can’t drink for nuts.
- I believe that everyone in their teens have lost their virginity.
- I’ve got a new phone.
- I’m going to get a new pair of shoes by the end of this month.
- I love swimming.
- I haven’t worked out since March.
- I think I’m fat. ni bukan fakta la kambing..
- I love my friends and family
-sipot..bile kau nk wat tagged yg aku suruh?xtag kang majuk..
-berd ensem
Saturday, February 27, 2010
143,i love u?
mood:thinking n confused
bnde bodoh ni pun boleh buat aku keliru kan?ye..aku muda lagi utk membicarakan ttg L.O.V.E..tak apa kan kalau aku nk berkongsi cerita?mana la tahu cerita bodoh ni boleh buat korg tertarik hati nak baca..
143 stand for i love you?really?i don't know..but that's what they told me..then i was thinking why should it stands for l love you?knp tak i hate you ke?i miss you ke?knp eh?ad org nk jwb tak?
aku tiba2 teringin nak taip psl bnd tgk org lain cm rmai je buat tajuk ni..bnda plg remeh di dunia tp satu anugerah..btul ke anugerah?kau angguk..betul la tu kot..
aku tak suka sebut bnd ni sebagai c.i.n.t.a..tak tau lidah aku menegahnya...terasa geli..oh,mungkin aku mentah je boleh diterima pakai..mungkin kerana love sdh seperti kata alu-aluan kot..
btul tak?lebih mudah menuturkan i love u berbanding saya cintakan aku perkara ni tak riends?i love u sng kan nk ckp?semudah abc..
eh,awak..awak tahu tak ,this thing called love tiada berharga?sbb awak tak kan rasa bnd ni dgn sesiapa sahaja..btul kn?ke awk dgn semua org awk rasekan perkara yg sama?
oh,mungkin sy lupa..awak seorang buaya..haha!maaf betul2 lupa..
nak tahu tak?paling lama aku brtahan dalam sebuah perhubungan tu hanyalah untuk setahun setengah je..tu pun dh temuntah-muntah mintak putus..sbb apa?sbb aku bosan..berdiri atas hubungan serapuh titi usang..baik berundur sebelum menyakitkan diri kan?
yang kedua,kita berapa lame ye?6 bulan kan?awak nk spm kn mase tu?awak busy kn?sy pun busy..baru nak naik upper form..mcm2 bnd kene buat..tmbh pulak sy ad pertandingan debat..oh,sibuknya kita..awak nk sy bg sy,bila dh lps,sy tak kan berpaling ke belakang..maaf ye..mak pun tak pernah tahu ttg kita..awak kt mane skrg?india kan?bakal doktor..sperti ayah awk..tahniah..
yg ketiga?ntah..keempat?ntah..kelima? ke?haha!perasan hot je zaimah ni..
eh,skrg aku tgh suka kan seseorang..suka je tau..jgn slh faham..nk teka?cuba la..aku tak halang..kalau betul,tak ada hadiah pun..hehe
perempuan gelojoh kan?betul tak?tidak mengunggu lama..klu org yg dia nak lambat mengorak langkah,pasti org lain yg dia,jgn slhkan aku ckp mcm bukti hidup yg aku kutip dr zaman sekolah dulu..korg selalu cerita kt aku kn?
laki pulak?lembab kot..haha!jahat je aku..tak lah..aku main2 je..ntah la..aku tak nak komen..nanti ramai lak laki yg anti aku..
malam ni aku teringat cerita-cerita dulu kot..sbb tu terkeluar semua ni..
nak tau tak?org yg aku suka dulu pernah diambil oleh kwn baik sekejap je..tahun kemudiannya aku pulak ambil bekas teman lelaki kwn baik sndr walaupun aku tau dia nak kt jntn tu lg..ambil?tak lah..kutip je..saje nak main2..lgpun bkn aku yg dtg kt dia malah sebaliknya..jht kn aku?tak pernah pun aku iktiraf dia sbg tmn lelaki..jijik la..sbb laki tu kiteorg kita dh baik kn?sbb akhirnya kau tahu aku lg sygkan kau dr jantan tu..eii..sdh2..hentikan perbualan ttg dia..geli..fullstop
jujurnya aku mlm ni..dh lama kot tak luahkan bnd2 bodoh ni..tak pe kot..korg bkn knl pun watak2 diatas..hehe..
-aku tak kisah korg nk ckp cuma secebis pengalaman..
Friday, February 26, 2010
hari ni bgun pkul *.**am...hehe..xnk ckp..hari ni mls sgt nk wt pape..hari ni mak yg msk..yay!dh lme xrse mskn mak..hehe
hari ni kene sapu rumah..urgh..malasnye..xtaw la knp mls sgt..
hari ni dgr bunyi cicip burung...mak kate,org tua2 ckp klu ad bunyi burung ad org nk ke berd?kau org tua kn?
hari ni aq gembira..iqwan msg bertanyakan khabar..haha!akhirnya aq mng...bkn aq lg yg msg dye dulu..
hari ni iqwan ckp dye salute kt aq sbb aq ckp dh mls nk ad pakwe2..begitu kagum kah jika xde pakwe?org lain ok je..cis..adkah dye mksdkn aq xley hidup tnpa lelaki sebelum ni?
hari ni aq terase nk membakar asrama berdekatan rumah ku kerana memutarkan lagu2 yg sdh basi malah menyakitkan xpeduli walaupun dulu aq duduk asrama jgk..
hari ni aq xde idea nk post ap tgn ttp gatal menekan keyboard walaupun terasa sgt mls hari ni..
hari ni semuanya aq mulakan dgn hari jeles dgn adam yg sgt puitis mengalahkan aq yg jiwang ni..
hari ni?ntah pun dh mls nk fikir...
today was a fairytale - taylor swift
#ost for valentine's day movie...
You were the prince
I used to be a damsel in distress
You took me by the hand and you picked me up at six
Today was a fairytale
Today was a fairytale
Today was a fairytale
I wore a dress
You wore a dark grey t-shirt
You told me I was pretty when I looked like a mess
Today was a fairytale
Time slows down whenever you're around
But can you feel this magic in the air?
It must have been the way you kissed me
Fell in love when I saw you standing there
It must have been the way
Today was a fairytale
It must have been the way
Today was a fairytale
Today was a fairytale
You've got a smile that takes me to another planet
Every move you make everything you say is right
Today was a fairytale
Today was a fairytale
All that I can say is now it's getting so much clearer
Nothing made sense until the time I saw your face
Today was a fairytale
Time slows down whenever you're around
Yeah yeah
But can you feel this magic in the air?
It must have been the way you kissed me
Fell in love when I saw you standing there
It must have been the way
Today was a fairytale
It must have been the way
Today was a fairytale
Time slows down whenever you're around
I can feel my heart
It's beating in my chest
Did you feel it?
I can't put this down
But can you feel this magic in the air?
It must have been the way you kissed me
Fell in love when I saw you standing there
It must have been the way
But can you feel this magic in the air?
It must have been the way you kissed me
Fell in love when I saw you standing there
It must have been the way
Today was a fairytale
It must have been the way
Today was a fairytale
Oh oh oh
Yeah ohooh...
Today was a fairytale
today was a fairytale-taylor swift
ini post sy yg ke-70
ini entry yg ke-70..sje je kecoh2..xde pape pown sbnrnye..hehe share satu movie dgn korg semua..aritu ad satu mlm tu aq xtdo smpi pkul 5am..nak taw sbb ap?aq tgk cerita 'dead silence' dkt cinemax..tough kn aq?tgh2 mlm tgk cerita hantu..hehe
so,aq nk share la cerita ni dgn korg..sbb aq rase cerita ni menarik mls nk type sndr jd aq copy dr official web dye psl sinopsis cerita ni..
Every town has it's own ghost story, and a local folktale around Ravens Fair is about a ventriloquist named Mary Shaw. After she went mad in the 1940s, she was accused of kidnapping a young boy who yelled out in one of her performances that she was a fraud. Because of this she was hunted down by townspeople who in the ultimate act of revenge, cut out her tongue and then killed her. They buried her along with her "children," a handmade collection of vaudeville dolls, and assumed they had silenced her forever.
However, Ravens Fair has been plagued by mysterious deaths around them after Mary Shaws collection has returned from their graves and have come to seek revenge on people that killed her and their families. Far from the pall of their cursed hometown, newlyweds Jamie and Lisa Ashen thought they had established a fresh start, until Jamie's wife is grotesquely killed in their apartment. Jamie returns to Ravens Fair for the funeral, intent on unraveling the mystery of Lisa's death. Once reunited with his ill father, Edward, and his father's new young bride, Ella, Jamie must dig into the town's bloody past to find out who killed his wife and why.
All the while, he is doggedly pursued by a detective who doesn't believe a word he says. As he uncovers the legend of Mary Shaw, he will unlock the story of her curse and the truth behind the threat from a rhyme in his childhood: if you see Mary Shaw and scream, she'll take your tongue. And the last thing you will hear before you your own voice speaking back to you.
huhu..takut x?takut x??nmpk dye jgn jerit taw..nnt dye potong itu lidah..aww2!
mase aq tgk cerita tu dh separuh..sedih ok gak la..drpd xdpt tgk aq amek gmbr2 dr en google..scene2 dr movie tu..



mary shaw still 'alive'..n she's actually control ayah kpd jamie ashen ni..ayah dye dh mati lame dh tp pompuan tu tkr ayah dye jd puppet..ouh..horror!
-klu nk dibandingkan filem niyang rapik yg baru released tu aq pilih cerita ni kot..
jahat ke aq ni?
as u fb email n password melekat terus kt,my mum bile2 mase boleh log in jd aq..maka,sering juga beliau mnjadi aq di alam fb...
ouh..bkn ni yg aq nk cerita sbnrnya..cuma mungkin saling berkait..tidak banyak pun mungkin sikit..
aq xde mood nk menulis tangan ni gatal nak menaip..
hmm..sebelum ni ad la seorang hamba Allah ni nak enter aq..kau taw ap tu enter?enter itu istilah utk ajak kapel..kt sekolah aq dulu selalu la gune perkataan tu..xtaw la korg gune ke x..
jd bermacam-macam la msg dan ucapan2 konon utk menarik hati aq..dan sememangnye aq xtertarik langsung..urgh..jgn benci mmg cerewet..
setiap mase aq on9 fb si dia akan cuba memulakan chat dgn malangnye si dia xtahu..yg berchatting dgnnye ialah ibuku..power kn mak aq?
smpi satu masa mak aq dh terus ckp yg tu adalah mak kpd zaimah yg comel ni..namun si dia fikir aq sdg berlawak..huh,dye igt aq nk ke berlawak dgn dye?
selepas mak berkeras meyakinkan si dia bahawa mak yg sdg on9,lalu si dia berundur diri..
esoknya si dia on9 lg..bertanyakan ttg diriku yg sdg on9..yg si dia xtahu bahawa aq sdg tidur sbnrnya..fb aq je yg on9..
begitu juga hari seterusnya,walaupun mak memberi peluang kpd aq utk mbalas msgnya, aq tidak teringin langsung mbalasnya lalu membiarkan mak sahaja yg melayannya..
apa yg dibualkan?aq tidak tahu dan tak ingin tahu..ap yang aq tahu,selepas itu si dia tidak lagi menggangguku..
jd,jhtkah aq?
-hari ni trase skema..
-rse tnsen dgn bnde bodoh ni yg berulang kali berlaku..
-eh,kau jgn risau klu nk msg ngan aq kt fb skg..sbb skg ni klu mak aq yg on9 mak aq appear offline sbb xnk kwn2 aq slh sangka..baikkn mak aq?aq je yg jht kn?
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
#tahniah kpd diri sndr sbb xsmpi stu hr je dh post 4 entry..4 ye..EMPAT!sila baca jgn xbaca..haha!
#td jalan2..jalan2 secara maya..dr blog ke blog..lalu berjumpalah dgn sebuah blog..dan ternampak stu entry yg agak sdey..about a bru taw psl bnd aq nk share..
#aq bru je bce bnd ni kt blog org tu..baru je bace dh meleleh air mata..belum tgk videonya lagi..haish..sila alert ye..zaimah sgt touching orgnye =)
#petikan dari wikipedia,
-In 1924, Hachikō was brought to Tokyo by his owner, Hidesaburō Ueno, a professor in the agriculture department at the University of Tokyo. During his owner's life Hachikō saw him off from the front door and greeted him at the end of the day at the nearby Shibuya Station. The pair continued their daily routine until May 1925, when Professor Ueno did not return on the usual train one evening. The professor had suffered a stroke at the university that day. He died and never returned to the train station where his friend was waiting.
Hachikō was given away after his master's death, but he routinely escaped, showing up again and again at his old home. Eventually, Hachikō apparently realized that Professor Ueno no longer lived at the house. So he went to look for his master at the train station where he had accompanied him so many times before. Each day, Hachikō waited for Professor Ueno to return. And each day he did not see his friend among the commuters at the station.
This continued for 10 years, with Hachikō appearing only in the evening time, precisely when the train was due at the station#credit to jmpe entry tu kt blog dye..
#then i was thinking to myself..why on this earth people can't be as faithful as the dog??
hey,korg mnt bnd ni x?
mood:bese2 je
woosh!td tkejut hell bile bce blog ariffhafizi ckp psl result spm keluar 1st mac ni..ntah la..cuak gak bile bile dh fikir2 balik..xkn lah result keluar isnin ni?cptnye..lgpun xkeluar berita..s0,duk diam2 dan masih menunggu...
ok2..berbalik kpd tjuk di atas..korg mnt komik x?mostly laki mnt la kot..kot la..
aq ad terbeli komik ni bkn komik cerita..dye lebih pd how tutorial nk jd mnt bace komik tp bkn nk jd pelukis sape2 kt luar sane yg mnt melukis??
aq nk bg bnd ni pd korg..nnt aq pos k..
aq rse cm mbazir kot bnd tu ad kt dlm smpanan aq..
short one
#aq cume nk ckp..jgn sopan sgt dgn aq boleh x??lg2 kalau kau tu yg serba slh tahu x?sbb aq lg kasar drpd seorang lelaki..
#sempoi saje boleh?mcm berd klu kau mmg tua terlampau..sila bgtahu supaya aq xmelanggar tatasusila seorang anak muda..
#even aq ttp hormat org org melayu ad adab sopan..urgh..rase malu berbicara ttg kesopanan..
what should i do?
mood mmg aq xmandi lg busuk..ngeh3
smlm aq tdo awal gile..pukul 3.30am aq dh tbangun..nk kuar bilik..nk aq takut terserempak hantu..haha!yg ni tipu2 tido balik sbnrnya..pkul 4.30am aq bgun balik..xleh tdo la..lalu aq keluar dari bilik dan ke belakang..gosok baju keje mak kn rajin..hehe..g msk air..g basuh pinggan..n bla bla bla..
akhirnye ke sini la aq..dihadapan laptop..blogging la ap lg..
hari sabtu ni ad hari sukan org ajak aq mls..hmm..cmne ni?what should i do?haha! dh taw dh ap nk wat sbnrnye..sje je nk kasi gempak title tu..
tp yg ni aq btul2 xtaw nk buat ap..2 hari lps dpt email from akak dr uniten..suruh isi borang utk eksplorasi ilmu di bila aq bkk form tu cm leceh nak mati nk jd twr hati..
then norain sms me yesterday..dye bilang bahawa form itu bisa dihantar pd hari isnin semasa pndaftaran..oh yeah?aq mule kn..ayah aq g kursus kt uniten gak ahad ni..jd hari isnin aq nk g naik ap?kereta lembu kah?sungguh xsesuai utk diriku yg comel ini..nanti lembu tu igt aq spesies dye lak..aish2..zaimah dh mule terpesong..
jd smlm aq memberanikan diri menghantar email kpd akak itu..tnye psl form tu..mntk sdkt penerangan ttg eksplorasi aq bukak email dgn penuh hampeh..xjwb pown akak tu..smpi hati akak wat sy cmni..sob3 nk pegi la!tp nnt xde transport..weyh,kau boleh hntr jet peribadi khas utk aq x?pliz3..nnt aq kahwin dgn kau k..haha!yg ni tipu semate..
cmne eh?akak!cpt la reply email sy!terime kasih akak..
-it would be great if i can go
-tp,klu aq ikut ayah aq hari ahad,aq nk tido mane??tepi jalan kah??
-smlm aq masak ayam msk sambal..mak ckp aq msk sedap! gembira~
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
tagged yg comel..
23 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you.
At the end, choose 5 people to be tag aq zaimah..pndek sket ima
2.umor 17 dh nk masuk 18..bday aq 9th april..nak adiah! tgl kt kluang..nk jmpe dtg r kluang =) suke tgk wayang!
5.mostly sko0lmate aq pgl aq mama..why?tnye dyeorg r..haha! suke nyanyi2..sdp ke x?ko tnye r spe yg pnh dgr..
7.jgn tnye psl xsuke..sbb aq xde pkwe..haha! rse aq dh makin comel!yg ni aq yakin..haha! nk 9A utk SPM yg aq dh lalui.. suke membebel.. suke jugak kutuk org.. aq jujur ouh..klu kau xsuke aq,kau boleh je jujur dgn xksh =)
15.nk taw x?bil air rumah aq kn..xsmpi rm5 p0wn sebulan..fakta ni
16.bil elektrik lak..utk sebulan je dh boleh support bil air untuk setahun setengah.. tepon aq blkg dye 44..mxs..haha!aq dh xde idea nk ckp ap
18.ayah aq keje kt tnb..spe xbyr bil alektrik aq suruh bpk aq pegi potong..haha! xsuke org selekeh2! aq pown selekeh sile benci sy =P fakta lg xpnh buat/hntr nota kh(kemahiran hidup) sepanjang aq bljr kh dr f1 smpi f3.. nseb baik dpt A mase pmr..huhu
23.korg perasan x aq xtulis pape utk no 8??yeah2!aq comel kn..haha!
aq nk tag,
-berd(kau nk ke wat?haha!) r..kau yg tgh bace ni..
#eh,kau jgn sakit hati taw baca fakta perasan+merepek+ngada2 kat ats tu..kau xsuke kau diam2 je la..sbb bukan aq ksh p0wn..huhu
#dye suh 5 aq nk gak tag rmai2..dulik pe aq..haha!keji tul zaimah ni..
kau kau dan kau
mood:kau la
sbnrnye kn..sbnrnye ni main bantai je sume org aq gune aku terpikir gak..kau yg aq pgl kau tu umur brape ha??
ye r..kau la..umur kau brape?aq main bantai je seru kau, kau..kau lak boleh je sempoi ber kau aku dgn aq kan..
aq serba slh gak..mane la taw umur kau sme dgn mak aq ke,bpk aq ke,pkck mkck one year older kau ttp tua kn?aq muda kn?
jd umur kau brape ha??jwb r..kau la..kau yg tgh bace post aq ni..
-aq mmg suke bantai gune aq kau je..
-mls nk gedik2 gune 'i u' or 'sy awk'
Monday, February 22, 2010
already gone - kelly clarkson
#l0ve the lyrics..sad but yet still lovely..Perfect couldn't keep this love alive..totally agreed with that
Remember all the things we wanted
Now all our memories, they're haunted
We were always meant to say goodbye
Even with our fists held high
It never would have work out right, yeah
We were never meant for do or die
I didn't want us to burn out
I didn't come here to hurt you now I can't stop
I want you to know
That it doesn't matter
Where we take this road
But someone's gotta go
And I want you to know
You couldn't have loved me better
But I want you to move on
So I'm already gone
Looking at you makes it harder
But I know that you'll find another
That doesn't always make you wanna cry
It started with the perfect kiss then
We could feel the poison set in
"Perfect" couldn't keep this love alive
You know that I love you so
I love you enough to let you go
You can't make it feel right
When you know that it's wrong
I'm already gone, already gone
There's no moving on
So I'm already gone
Ahhh already gone, already gone, already gone
Ahhh already gone, already gone, already gone
Remember all the tings we wanted
Now all our memories, they're haunted
We were always meant to say goodbye
You can't make it feel right
When you know that it's wrong
I'm already gone, already gone
There's no moving on
So I'm already gone
tajuk?ntah la..
dgn bangganya aq nk ckp,aq lum mandi lagi!haha! masih wangi..xcaye?sini r bau..hak3!
arini xde mls nk pecahkan kepala otak memikirkan tajuk hot sgt ke?=))
smlm aq wtpe ek?oh..duk umah..basuh baju..cuci pinggan mangkuk sperti bibik mcm mmg bibik ouh kt rumah..tu jgk r yg mak aq selalu ckp..xpe arh..bibik2 pown ad gaji gak..haha!xgune punye anak..wat keje rumah nk upah je kejenya..huk3
mlm td aq tgk 'so you think you can dance'..jd anda rasa anda mampu menari??gaduh dgn mak psl mak nk tgk awan dania..haha!mak aq seboleh-boleh nk tgk awan dania..pdhal mata dye xberkelip langsung dr laptop..main happy island lak..hak3!
siap wat undi lg nk tgk tv..satu undi berbalas dua undian..kami menang!kami?hahahaha!ayah aq aq dh cerita dulu..klu tv ni aq dgn ayah aq satu kepala..kecuali mmg xmnt bola..bapak aq pown lyn taw menari2 ni..hak3
smlm ptg g giant.blkg umah je giant tu..dkt ouh..abes rm300++...beli itu beli ini..mak aq ckp brg aq je yg mhl2..hehe..
-dh g dh blog2 yg lwt aq..dh ckp dh i love u..l*v* p0wn sah jgk kn?kn?haha!
-sbnrnye xde idea nk post gtl gak nk update blog..gedik kn zaimah ni?haha!
#esok ke cinema lg bersama mamat dgn nurin pulak..spe nk jmpe aq boleh la ke kluang mall ptg esok ye..dak c0mel!sy cr awak esok taw..hahahahahaha!
really2 love to,but...
yeah2..really2 love to write something yg pjg2 n kelakar hari ni..but i really2 have to go..need t0 call s0meone ouh..
s0rry sgt2..even xtaw la s0rry tu pd siape ye..huhu
sy syg kamu yg membace..klu awk bace post pndek ni awk bgtaw kt chatbox or komen k..nt sy dtg blog awk ckp, i love u..haha!serious ni..xmen2 =)
eh!tglkn link sekali!
rabu bakal ke panggung sekali lagi bersama mamat dan nurin..nk join?jom lah..
#td check 8 org nak make love wif me?ad gak yg teringin dgn budak gemuk ni ye..pelik2
Sunday, February 21, 2010
#aq tgh buhsan..jd aq post la..klu korg mnt...klik la mne2 korg nk..
Saturday, February 20, 2010
kentut semate
yeah2..kentut semate...siang berangan nk pegi kluang mall..secret recipe la ape la..ta*k ko..
arini aq tdo satu mlm satu hari..dr pkul 2pg smlm smpi pkul 8.3o mlm td..kire2 bpe jam aq tdo..lame nk mls nk bgun..even smgt nk cr dat stranger..
ni tido aq plg lame..sumpah aq xtipu..dh2..esok pagi nk tunaikan hasrat g bndr btul2..sbb brg kt umah byk dh abes..sabun mndi pown dh nk xnk busuk!
pakcu,ok2..minggu dpn secret recipe dgn baby suha..
arie,bungkus???ape tu bungkus??haha!
weyh,spe ramli yg nyemak kt chatbox aq tu?? tgh browsing fb cr mber lme skolah rndh..bye2
-klu korg tdo lme otak korg xcnter..
-b*bi pon xtaw apsal aq xnk bgun2 even dh byk kali kne kejut..
Friday, February 19, 2010
mood:sakit perut..
iye2..sakit perut hell skg pun dh muntah2..sume sbb nasi goreng pg td..sob2..tu la..mkn byk2 lg..
hari ni mkn sekali je..breakfast td tu je r..nk lunch td msh kyg..weyh2,aq bjaye msk ayam msk lemak cili api..hidangan lunch td ialah lauk ayam tu,bendi rebus ngan smbl belacan..kampung choice..gempak x?everything prepared by me! xsatu pun drpdnya aq mkn..
xlrt nk mkn..skt perut sgt2..smpi skg ni..adoii..kasihanilah diri ku..
td mak ckp,
aq dr tertonggeng2 skt perut terus bgun!
haha!sakit2 pown nk jmpe dak tu lg!nk2!doakan aq esok taw..hik3!(gedik2)
esok nk try bwk kereta..without licence..hak3!kesalahan jalan raya..dulik pe aq..huhu..
-sakit perut!tolong2!
-nk jmpe dye..sgt2 =P
Thursday, February 18, 2010
kenyang hell!
serius tgh kyg sgt2..bru lps breakfast ni..such a heavy breakfast i G0d..ko mmg gemuk la zaimah.. bgun awal pg td!surprise!haha!awal beb..pkul 5.45am dh terjage..buat2 tdo guling2 smpi pkul xbgun2 pown..sbb lmpu hall masih xbukak..ayah klu dh bgun mst bkk lmpu hall,smbung guling2 ats katil smpi 6.30am..guling2 sepuas hati..huhu..
bile dh 6.30 am,aq decide utk bgun..g blkg,gosok bju kerja sbnrnye slh plh bju..hoho!malu2..after that,i to0k my bath..mnd lame gile..xpe2..yg pnting aq wangi..
lps mnd,aq tgk ayah dh bgun..sbb dgr bunyik air dr bathroom bilik g dapur..msk air..clearkn sinki dr pinggan mangkuk kotor..fuh..s0lehah si0t..hik3
buatkan air milo utk ayah..pastu g gosok baju lain utk mak..sbb td slh gosok..
lps mak ayah g keje,aq g blkg..bsuh baju pun xsiap lg mesin tu pusing2
rse, aq wat nasi goreng..mamam nasi goreng wif 2 telur goreng..sbb tu la kenyang hell!
lps sidai bju nnt nk msk utk lunch pulak..mak suruh masak ayam msk lemak cili api..wah2..agak2 berjaya x?hak3!
adoii..perut dh boyot..ouh..need to cut the FATS!
-manusia bernama zaimah ini sgt gemuk..
-tp dye rajin =))
gelak lah..xksh pown
mood:bese2 je
ye2..gelak lah..xksh pown..byk btul respon psl aq angau ni..aish
pakcu!ejek adik lak..tmbuk kang!haha!
jeles lak dye..dak tu ensem taw..xmcm pakcu..haha!sory2 makcu =D
arini aq byk ejek org..haha!riends ckp kt yan,i say sorry..hak3!capang pown ok ape..haha!
ikhwan mentertawakan aq hari ni..sbb nye aq gile r..gile pe suke kt org yg kite xknl..ngeh3..xpe r..suke je kan..hehe
tgk je r smpi bila aq angau kt dak tu..rekod sblum ni plg lme seminggu je..arini dh 5 ari dh aq bising2 psl dak lg 2 hari..tnggu taw..tnggu..klu lbey seminggu mksdnye hebat r dak tu..
kite nantikan apakah org asing itu sehebat kibum suju yg smpi bile2 aq akan bising2 kt dlm blog ni..hehe..
dh xde bnd pown nk crite hari ni..cume xsangke..pakcu n makcu bace post psl dat guy..haha!
adik igtkn pakcu makcu dh xlwt lg blog ni..hehe..tenkiu2 krn sudi menjenguk..
p/s to xkurus spt gmbr katun dsebelah ini..begitu juga anda..haha!
russian roulette-rihanna
#hey,enjoy k! =)
Take a breath, take it deep
Calm yourself, he says to me
If you play, you play for keeps
Take a gun, and count to three
I’m sweating now, moving slow
No time to think, my turn to go[Chorus ]
And you can see my heart beating
You can see it through my chest
And I’m terrified but I’m not leaving
Know that I must must pass this test
So just pull the triggerSay a prayer to yourself
He says close your eyes
Sometimes it helps
And then I get a scary thought
That he’s here means he’s never lost(Chorus)
As my life flashes before my eyes
I’m wondering will I ever see another sunrise?
So many won’t get the chance to say goodbye
But it’s too late too pick up the value of my life(Chorus)

Rihanna - Russian Roulette
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
thinggy f0r my parents
mood:still awake
hey..on 15th even i was struck by a cupid..i still remember my parents ok.. dat day i decided t0 buy s0mething f0r them..
yelah..bday mak ngan ayah aq xbeli pape p0wn utk dyeorg..
so,after ikhwan balik aq jln kt mall sorang2.. i walked n walked br0wsing all over the shop until i st0pped at living cabbin.. aq cr adiah yg kyupta!cute2 saje..small thing but cute n things dat u can see it everyday...
oh tserempak dgn azie n farah ain mase jln2 kt mall..sko0lmate sk0lah rendah aq..azie cam aq tp farah xcam..lps salam2 n azie knlkn baru dye tlonjak2 hepy..dye ckp aq nmpk lain..hehe..makin lawa eh farah?haha!
f0r mummy i cho0se a small suruh mak ltk kt meja in her office..hehe..s0 she can see it everyday n remember me every moment she's lo0king at it..sweet kn?
f0r daddy,i cho0se a s0lar tataw ap name bunge tu b0leh goyang2 kalu kne cahaya..c0mel je..boleh ltk kt dashboard kereta..ayah selalu berada dlm aq pilih bunga tu..jd hari2 bile pegi keje ayah tgk bunga tu dan igt kt aq..hehe..
n for me..ini je,
-mak suke
-ayah pun suke
-aq p0wn suke..hehe
what happen on 15th feb?
mood:lovebug attacks~
hey i'm back!once again..s0rry yg tnye knp xupdate..jwpnnye,sy mls kebelakangan ini..mcm2 nk cerita tp tunggu mood je..
oh ya..what happen on 15th feb??
i went f0r m0vie wif ikhwan..plan asal nk pegi,yasmin,ikhwan n daus..min xdpt dtg sbb balik kg..daus lak xnk pegi sbb rumah xde air..hmm..last2 aq pegi dgn ikhwan berdua je..
tu pown mcm2 hal..mule2 mak aq xnk hntr..mak ckp mls nk pagi2 mak dh kjut tnye bile nk keluar..haha!see,my mum care sbnrnye taw..
ptg tu pak ndak n mak ndak dtg..nk djadikan cerita dyeorg la yg hntr aq pegi kluang mall..yeah!berjaya jgk ke bndr..hak3!
smpi kt mall mse tu dh nk pkul 3pm..jmpe ikhwan kt dlm then terus naik ke big cinema..mcm bese la..cinema mst la floor ats sekali kn..rmai gile org hari tu..CNY mmg la rmai org..dat evening penuh chinese..mostly pegi dgn family..
kaunter sgt ramai org tgh aq n ikhwan tgk dlu movie schedule before beli tiket..ikhwan nk tgk percy jackson and the lightning movie start pkul 2.45pm..haha!aq mng!sbb aq nk tgk the wolfman..s0 kami p0wn beratur lah membeli tiket..opss..correction,ikhwan je yg beratur..haha!denda weyh..sbb sblum dye dtg dye kte,"rilek r..raye cine xramai org la"
kepala otak ko xramai org..penuh gile org..line pjg tnggu je r kt dpan..
lps dpt tiket(duit aq tu utk dua2 tiket) kiteorg jln2 jap..terserempak dgn anak baby-sitter aq..sng ckp abg angkat aq la..ttup muke!segan2..mst dye pk mcm2..dh r kluar berdua je..eleh..dye p0wn same je..kuar dgn awek..haha!
after that aq suruh ikhwan beli air dgn popcorn..sng kn hidup?suruh2 org je kjenye..hehe..kali ni gune duit ikhwan lak..dye gak r yg g beli..haha!zaimah,ko mmg kejam..
smbil tunggu dye beli aq tunggu blkg barisan..main f0n jap..bosan w0o..
hmm..dat time,i saw s0meone..dye tgh beratur jgk nk beli snack before msuk panggung..he was wearing a black tshirt wif pink collar..pkai sgt..hmm..act,xlh super duper aq suke..dye sorang je melayu among his frens..member2 dye indian n tgk dye..dye tgk balik!suke2!byk kali dye tgk balik..mcm mane aq boleh perasan?hmm..hehe..sbb aq asyik tgk dye je la..hehe..xmalu?aq mmg xtaw malu..hehe
tp..agak sdey..sbb dye nmpk aq keluar dgn tunggu blkg barisan,tibe2 ikhwan dtg bwk kn air n popcorn..klu korg tgk mst korg pown ckp kiteorg kapel kn??kn??
hmm..after that dye pulak g beli snack n ikhwan terus masuk..
the wolfman best!sound effect dye best suke..walaupun byk kali aq terperanjat..haha!terperanjat je k..xde kental beb..haha!korg nk taw cite the wolfman mcm mne?tgk sndr la..hehe..yg penting komen aq,best!even hero dye xhensem..hak3!heroin dye suke..sweet je..
satu bnd je aq xsuke tgk wayang ni..sejuk gile weyh..sejuk2..
after movie abes kiteorg cpt2 keluar..xthn sejuk..ikhwan terus g tunggu kt sit yg disediakan kt floor tu..
eh2..dat boy wif his frens! suke tgk dye..suke gile..xtaw knp..
yes i d0 believe love at first sight..but i prefer that i juz belive on the attraction not the love..serius..ske gile seh kt mamat tu..kbtulan lak aq pkai baju pink n his tshirt collar pink..jodoh2..haha!perasan je zaimah ni..
nk cari dye sgt2..nk2..balik tu aq cite kt mak..mak kate mse dye nmpk ikhwan mst dye ckp,"aiseh dh ad pkwe lak minah ni"
mak mmg suke bg adik hrpn..xbaik la mak..haha!
aq ckp kt mak..lps ni kne rajin g bndr..nk jmpe dat boy lagi..mak xksh tp jgn suruh dye hntr..haha!ad0ii..kne amek lesen cpt2 ni..hehe
aq cite kt ajie..ajie ckp aq dh angau..haha!ikhwan p0wn ckp cmtu gak..mse tu aq tnjuk gak dak tu kt ikhwan..xksh la angau ke ap ke..yg pntg mmg aq suke..
gile bkn knl pown org tu..xpe la..suke je..bkn cnta..s0,xksh la kn
ajie nk sgt tgk budak tu..sbb dye ckp cara aq crite cm dak tu cute gile..haha!
no la..he's juz nice lo0king..xlah super pelik gak..bkn pertama kali aq nmpk cute yg ni lak leh sangkut..aish
s0,tu la yg terjadi pd 15 feb..i fell f0r dat stranger..
to the stranger,
-cume nk cerita aq suke kt org tu sbb aq ssh nk suke kt org..
-ad spe2 knl x dak tu?gtaw aq leh x spe dye?
-boy wearing glasses n black tshirt wif pink collar on 15th feb..tlong gtaw spe awk leh x??

new template..
btw,i hv changed my template..0k x?suke girl kt tpi tu..c0mel kn?hehe
oh ya..h0w its w0rks?
klu nk cr labels or cr my blog list or my blog archive,everything ad kt bwh sne..
klu nk komen,klik pd pink bubble kt tepi title tu..
tu je la kowt yg berubah..yg len sume same je..
s0,klu nk komen,k0men p0wn xtaw la nk ckp ok ke x template baru ni..
Saturday, February 13, 2010
xde mood
malas malas malas
kepale dh xbetul
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
tagged by sam,shinchan n adam

#aq rjen..jd aq buat..haha!=))
aq nk tagged,
-riends syg!
-linda cj
-abg alep
-org yg tgh bace skg ni!=P
#buat2..jd lah rjin mcm aq..haha!
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
i'm touched
haha!p0y0 x moo0d aq?xde la..asyik2 korea je we back to hollywo0d guys!aq nk share lgu yg buat aq rse terharu dgr lgu ni dkt disney channel(ye,aq suke kartun..xyh gelak)
ost for one of the disney new released movie..xde la new sgt p0wn..tjuk dye the princess and the frog..alah..yg psl puteri dgn katak xtgk lg p0wn sbnrnye =P
For the way you changed my plans
For being the perfect distraction
For the way you took the idea that I have
Of everything that I wanted to have
And made me see there was something missing (oh yeah)
For the ending of my first begin
(Ooh yeah yeah)(ooh yeah yeah)
And for the rare and unexpected friend
(Ooh yeah yeah)(ooh yeah yeah)
For the way you're something that I never choose
But at the same time something I don't wanna lose
And never wanna be without ever again (oh oh)
You're the best thing I Never Knew I Needed
So when you were here I had no idea
You're the best thing I never knew I needed
So now it's so clear I need you here always
My accidental happily (ever after oh oh oh)
The way you smile and how you comfort me (with your laughter)
I must admit you were not a part of my book
But now if you open it up and take a look
You're the beginning and the end of every chapter (oh oh)
You're the best thing I never knew I needed (oh)
So when you were here I had no idea
You're the best thing I never knew I needed (that I needed)
So now it's so clear I need you here always
Who'd knew that I'd be here (who'd knew that I'd be here oh oh)
So unexpectedly (so unexpectedly oh oh)
Undeniably happy (hey)
Said with you right here, right here next to me (oh)
Girl you're the...
You're the best thing I never knew I needed (said I needed oh oh)
So when you were here I had no idea
You're the best thing I never knew I needed (needed oh)
So now it's so clear I need you here always
Baby baby
Now it's so clear I need you here always
#serius..rase terharu je dgr lagu ni..mcm betul2 dihargai lah..s0,utk pasangan2 di luar sane..lagu ni mungkin korg boleh tujukan kt pasangan korg..klu nk lah,xnk sdh..h0h0!
#ad sape2 nak nyanyikan utk aq x??haha!
More Free Music at
kembali menge'p0st'!haha!mule2 td mcm xde mood sgt nak tunggu you tube loading lmbt nk mp0s aq p0wn buat la post baru xtdo lg mlm ni..mcm biase la..smentare ayah aq xde..hehe..
thx utk sape yg resp0n bg p0st sebelum ni..riend!thx ajar kite hangul..kamsahanida sunbae nnim! =))
utk arie lak,aq xley r pilih kn baju utk ko..nnt tlebih jambu ko nnt..haha!
td ad org suruh aq p0st psl saka..xm0 ah aq..mlm2 nk type psl bnd2 mistik ni..sile ambil perhatian bahawa zaima seorang yg penakut..ahakz~
sape dye tu?hehe..dye baru berumur 7 bel0ved c0usin ouh..anak pakcu aq..sgt2 comel..spt aq!(perasan jap)
rndu taw kt baby kecik kan 'nanny' dye..klu jln2 dgn dye aq r yg bwk dye..dukung dye 0uh..rndu!rndu!
nak ajak ayah g melaka la weekend ni..nk jmpe bb suha..huhu..pakcu!adeq dtg umah nnt masak sedap2!(pakcu mmg pgl aq adeq..hehe)
aq xde idea nk post ape sbnrnye..tibe2 teringat lak kt baby c0mel tu..s0 aq tulis la psl dye..
byk wo0 gmbr dye dlm f0n aq..dye xbyk ragam..sbb tu aq suke jage..klu baby yg asyik nangis sumpah aq xsentuh! ni cerewet sikit..
suha ni p0wn jenis xtakut org..klu k0rg hulur tgn nk dukung dye mst dye sambut..mesra gitu..mcm aq r..haha!(perasan lg)
korg nk tgk gmbr dye? ha

Monday, February 8, 2010
s0rr0w s0rr0w g0 away
gempak x title?hehe..title je in selebihnye dlm bahasa melayu..bkn xnk post in english skill aq dh tumpul la sejak duduk kt rumah je ni..knon je dulu debater..haha!ta*k punye debater..ngeh3
sorrow sorrow go away dont u ever bl0ck my x jampi baru aq?kalau korg rse sdey ke badmood ke korg bace la jampi tu..haha!
semakin hari aq semakin mencintai super junior..haha!skg asyik bkk you tube search video suju je..riend!u yg slh!u influence i to them..haha!tp mmg trend skrg kot..bkk mane2 blog mst ad korean thinggy..xksh la blog lelaki atau perempuan..klu perempuan mst suju,shinee or dbsk..btul x linda??haha!if blog lelaki mst boA or snsd..betul x?cpt ckp btul,klu x aq tembak korg!haha!(aq sedang sewel..harap maaf)
smlm aq xtdo lg..tgk you tube smpi pagi..rutin baru bile xtdo ialah menyediakan pakaian emak ke pejabat setiap pagi..huhu..pagi2 pilih baju untuk mak dan gosokkannye ciri2 anak solehah x?hehe..hari2 mak pegi pejabat macam datin..sbb aq pilih baju mst yg v0gue2 punye..haha!
td siang lps tdo skjap aq g mandi..after mandi tibe2 dtg idea mengada-ngada..nk taw ap?hehe..korg klu yg tomboy sure ckp aq gedik ah..haha!aq bereksperimen dgn make-up..yup..make-up..hehe
aq xsuke sgt pakai make-up suke mo0d gile mcm ptg td je baru pkai..i do have 2 compact p0wder,3 lipstick,4 lip gloss,2 eyeshadow, an eyeliner stick and a concealer stick..gempak x?minah brutal ni ad byk alat solek si0t..haha!tp mcm aq ckp mmg suka kumpul alat solek..t0 be honest,most of them my mom yg belikan..mak aq p0wn bkn pakai dye ckp sje je nk belikan utk anak dye ni..yelah..anak dye kn anak dara bukan teruna..ok la mak aq belikan alat solek drpd tibe2 dye belikan aq kasut bola kn..x ke haru tu?haha!
td ptg try la calit tu sikit calit ni sikit..ok la..pndai gak aq pakai make-up(gedik2..bodek diri sendiri)tp kn..bile lama-lama aq tgk muka aq kt cermin kn..i'll say that, instead of beautiful,i saw that i'm handsome..haha!btul rse aq handsome..bkn cantik taw..handsome..haha!
lps cuci muka sume alat2 s0lek tu aq smpn balik..dh2..cukup2 la berangan tu..haha!
mlm ni rasenye xtdo lg boleh buat mcm ni bila ayah aq xde je..sbb ayah aq xbg aq xtdo mlm..skrg ayah aq dkt kursus..seminggu ni je la aq boleh xtdo mlm..hehe
td search video suju dkt you tube..riend syg!sye jumpe video sorry, taw..all tha suju oppa lo0ks very gentleman in diz mv..nnt tgk taw..huhu..
riend punye sungmin lo0ks s0 h0t in diz mv!my kibum xde..sob3
s0,here's the music video..sila la tonton ye..tglkn komen sekali jika anda suka akan video ini =)
Sunday, February 7, 2010
pendek je
cry out loud
yup..i did cried juz now..tiade gmbr..tiade mungkin ku pamerkan disini..haha!
i guess,crying is my s0lution..yup..everytime i had a bad day or a bad-moody day i will end up it wif crying..sob3..
mse nges xde org lain aq cari..dye jgk..spe dye?dye la..haha!
td msg dye smbil mmg ad mslh badmood tibe2..even xde punca..tu yg post sebelum2 ni asyik mrh2 sko0lmate taw mslh ni..gila kn?haha!serius weyh..kdg2 aq pown rse aq ad mslh mental..
0k2..cut this bad-mo0dy day out.sdh2..ngak mau bicara ttng rasa mrh ya..ngak mau diulang kembali..haha!tkluar jap bahasa indon..
ckp psl bahasa indon ni teringat facebo0k aq..sume org taw kn fb ni my fwen pown international of them is ind0nesian..a teen boy..
namenye ######..haha!ad la..xley bgtaw..he said he like me..s0rt of crushing on me..serius..tkejut aq mse dye ckp mcm tu..
aq cite kt mak aq..mak aq gelakkan aq..cite kt my beshtie n0rain..respon sme je..gelak gelak dan gelak..
dak tu p0wn gile..i like you..tu yg dye ckp mse mule2 chat..duh~
klu aq lme xon9 nnt dye post something kt wall..kdg2 jd takut lak aq..
aritu aq share status,i wrote dat,"i'm in l0ve!"...well,sbnrnye dat l0ve currently towards kang min hyuk..the drummer b0y..a few hours later dat guy tnye kt wall aq,"who?"
aq tkr t0pik je..ngeh3
skg dh jrg dh xtaw pe berita dye..diam2 xnk pjang2 kan cerita..buat xtaw je..jln paling selamat..huhu
gerun dgn lelaki skg ni..haha!
-aq dh 0k..
-xmrh2 dh =)
-welc0me me back..