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Wednesday, February 24, 2010


time:1.30pm/25 feb


#tahniah kpd diri sndr sbb xsmpi stu hr je dh post 4 entry..4 ye..EMPAT!sila baca jgn xbaca..haha!

#td jalan2..jalan2 secara maya..dr blog ke blog..lalu berjumpalah dgn sebuah blog..dan ternampak stu entry yg agak sdey..about a bru taw psl bnd aq nk share..

#aq bru je bce bnd ni kt blog org tu..baru je bace dh meleleh air mata..belum tgk videonya lagi..haish..sila alert ye..zaimah sgt touching orgnye =)

#petikan dari wikipedia,

-In 1924, Hachikō was brought to Tokyo by his owner, Hidesaburō Ueno, a professor in the agriculture department at the University of Tokyo. During his owner's life Hachikō saw him off from the front door and greeted him at the end of the day at the nearby Shibuya Station. The pair continued their daily routine until May 1925, when Professor Ueno did not return on the usual train one evening. The professor had suffered a stroke at the university that day. He died and never returned to the train station where his friend was waiting.

Hachikō was given away after his master's death, but he routinely escaped, showing up again and again at his old home. Eventually, Hachikō apparently realized that Professor Ueno no longer lived at the house. So he went to look for his master at the train station where he had accompanied him so many times before. Each day, Hachikō waited for Professor Ueno to return. And each day he did not see his friend among the commuters at the station.

This continued for 10 years, with Hachikō appearing only in the evening time, precisely when the train was due at the station

#credit to jmpe entry tu kt blog dye..

#then i was thinking to myself..why on this earth people can't be as faithful as the dog??


Eyqa Zaque said...

tak mo lah ak tgk vid tu, lagu pon dah touching lar.. huhu.. sadisnya crita.. tmpang simpati. leh gak ko sedih ah? eheheh.. maen2 jer..

(padahal kalo ak tgk kompom nangis)

iemaZAIMAH said...

aq mmg touching ouh..

Anonymous said...

meremang bulu roma aku siot..
tp xsmpai nanges laa..

aku tough sket dr kau..

Berd said...

huargh ngntoknya post ni.


iemaZAIMAH said...

ain..kau mmg tough..kau kn mafia..

iemaZAIMAH said...

aq xsuruh p0wn kau bce berd